When I first held Graham in my arms, today seemed very far off, in fact I didn't even think about it. It was us and our newborn--for a short while. Why do babies have to grow SO fast. Us adults pretty much look and act the same when we did three years ago. Big whoop. I really want to push pause, actually I wish I could have pushed pause three months ago. So far I've loved newborn-three months. Yes every age is fun and exciting, but there's nothing like those first few months. Now it seems Graham is becoming a kid! Sitting up, laughing, talking, playing with toys, he's interactive!
Just yesterday I got Graham to sit up for about ten seconds, and it was really exciting! And today, he sat up for 3 minutes. How do babies learn this over night? He didn't have that much practice, his body just decided to be strong enough. Well, ok! He's been A LOT of fun this boy. Sleeping through the night is a hit and miss, but I'm testing the waters with feeding him before bed. Thrice in a row he's slept through the night when I feed him at 8pm (He goes down 10ish) rather then RIGHT before bed. I don't know why, but it's been working, so I'll take it. Well I can't figure out how to post videos on here, but I put one on FB. So here are some pics of my growing boy.
We've been comfortable in the basement here at my folks. It's a total transformation, and if you've seen this basement before it was renovated, you'd know what I was talking about. Here's some pics of our new home.
Nicks loving his job at the stain glass studio, though now a days he's unable to pull 8 hour shifts because of his arm, it begins to hurt and he hardly uses it at all so he's close to border line useless at work, but I'm glad he can find something to do. I'm just home, raising a child and I love it. We're happy and loving life.