Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Twelfth Month

We made it! We have raised a year old! How? Not sure, you really just go with the flow, play it by ear, learn with baby and grow with baby, watch for queues and signals, and then listen and learn! We sure love our Graham boy. He has amazed us with his well mannered behavior from the day we brought him home. I don't think babies meant to be as good as he is. They just come once in a blue moon. Graham makes us laugh all the time. Lately he screams/squeals in delight and sounds like a girl. He loves when his dad comes home and immediately stops what he's doing and crawls to him. He LOVES being read to. Some aren't even cutesy baby books. He has a smile on face as soon as I pull the book out and put in front of his face. I love when I can see his dimples underneath his binkie. Speaking of  binkies, Graham loves his binkie but luckily he doesn't have it unless it's nap time or bed time. I think we're doing good on that...he never gets mad if we take it away on the rare occasions he does have during awake time. It really is amazing how it feels like a blink of an eye and they're so big. I remember every single month of his life, but I didn't see him grow! Here's a brief timeline of how he has grown and developed new talents. (So glad I've been filling out his cheesy baby keepsake album!)

Smiles: 5 days old in his sleep, 6 weeks at us
Laughs: 7 days old while napping smiles awake end of March
Takes a bath: March 2nd, Sink bath September 19
Rolls over: June 13
Sleeps through the night: March 1-2, July 1-4th, then August-Present
Eats solid food-July 27, rice cereal
Scoots: End of September
Crawls: Christmas Eve, 10 month birthday
Holds his own bottle: Sept. 20
Claps: Nov. 29
Naps w/out being rocked Oct. 26th
Waves: Dec. 20
Oh, and he wears size 3 diapers, size 3 shoes, and almost grown out of 12 mo. clothing.
These are just fun things to fill out in the book I have, as well as several more I didn't think I needed to mention. Well here are pictures of the latest of the greatest:

Graham's homemade Carrot Cake (I was proud of myself)

                                 We even had a birthday picnic. He enjoyed himself, and his food.

Year 2 here we come!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for #1! PS you'll always have a memory that his great grandmother-me was there when you see his cake with a corner missing! And it was delicious!
