Thursday, April 25, 2013

Two Months Old

WOWZA, two months already? Man, being a mom is the funnest. Even though it's practically the same thing every day, I love it because something new always happens in Graham. He smiles all the time now when he sees us and coo at him. It's amazing how he's become more aware and alert. He's very vocal and has almost laughed a few times. Until about a week ago, he woke up at 3 or 4 every night, now it's 1 and 4 am...not sure if this is new or if it's because he's had the sniffles; we'll see. His favorite things are bath time, being on his tummy on my tummy while we hold his head up for him (my sister did this yesterday and he was perfectly still and calm, loved it so much) eating, napping for 3 hours (new routine since about two weeks ago, I love it too) conversing in baby talk, car rides, and his binkie. My Graham is a binkie boy for sure. Well here's some pictures to show how my boy is growing. We love him immensely.