Thursday, November 17, 2011

Month #6

Half a year huh? Well, prove it. It seems as though it were yesterday that we had our first kiss as a married couple, yet, it seems one fall and summer ago. I guess it really has been 6 months. Marriage has been fun with my man. We are so alike and laugh at the same things. Boy are we strange. I suppose that's what makes us so perfect for each other. In fact, I'd like to share a quote I came upon that is freakishly perfect for us...

I love Nick and I love being married. I love our house, our car, our garage, our yard, our fireplace, our tv and microwave (thanks Bryce) and just everything. Happy 6 months Nickelodeon. Although I know you aren't a strong believer in's still half a year of celebrating. Go us :)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Tony Grove

We made a last minute trip to Logan for two nights at the beginning of the week,  which was very relaxing. We also enjoyed visiting Tony Grove up Logan canyon. Beautiful!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Summer 2011

I think we had just about the neatest kick off to summer one can find, and that was getting married. Nicholas and I got married on May 17, 2011 and have been married ever since. Life is grand, although at this current moment, Nick is away in a distant land known as Scotland. Why would he be there you may wonder. Well there are benefits from being in a Scottish Bag Pipe Band and that is one of them. Yes he is there with his band for a world competition. But after the playing and competing and hopefully glory, he will sail to Ireland for pleasure with a group who wanted to stay an extra week over there. Lucky pup. He'll return on the 21st of this month. GO get em!

New Beginnings

Hello and Welcome to Lawyer and Lawyer Inc., where you find real professionals in an unprofessional society. Come with us on a journey of professional updates and going on's in the lives of two very professional people. 


Britney and Nicholas B. Lawyer